3月3日到3月5日,巴基斯坦2016暖通制冷展(HVACR EXPO)在卡拉奇市隆重开展。巴基斯坦暖通制冷展是巴暖通界一大盛事,每年举办一次,巴三大城市伊斯兰堡、卡拉奇、拉合尔轮流主办。
The latest HVACR EXPO was held in Karachi, Pakistan, during March 3rd to 5th 2016. This EXPO is the most famous exhibition in Pakistan, organized annually in Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore alternately.
This EXPO is the 23rd term and held in Karachi. As the biggest city and port in Pakistan,
numerous population and advanced industry stimulated the demand for all kind of conditioning equipment. This Expo is quite successful, with total more than hundred companies demonstrating the world top HVACR brand and equipment. During this period, the attendants amount exceeded thirty thousand.
Since effective results were obtained in the last Islamabad HVACR EXPO, Deepblue attended this term EXPO. As the traditional industrial base in Pakistan, there are plenty of industrial projects. That’s why Deepblue gained more attention as the “Expert of Waste Heat utilization”, compared to the last EXPO in Islamabad.
During the EXPO, Deepblue’s booth attracted huge number of end-users. designers, contractors and complete set supplier to get a general impression of our company, to learn more energy-saving technologies, and discuss cooperation issues. Moreover, some of our regular customers in Pakistan also visited the booth to show their trust and gratitude to Deepblue.